A robotics control hub for tech enthusiasts

This platform envisions a cutting-edge online platform that revolutionizes the way users interact with Raspberry Pi-based robots. By providing seamless access and intuitive control, it empowers users to remotely navigate and experience the world through the eyes of their chosen robot. With near real-time video streaming capabilities, this app sets a new standard for immersive, interactive exploration.
Web Application
Education Technology
Raspberry Pi
Product Design
About The Client
Morphbots envisions a cutting-edge online platform that revolutionizes the way users interact with Raspberry Pi-based robots. By providing seamless access and intuitive control, Morphbots empowers users to remotely navigate and experience the world through the eyes of their chosen robot. With near real-time video streaming capabilities, Morphbots sets a new standard for immersive, interactive exploration.
Product Vision
This application envisions a cutting-edge online platform that revolutionizes the way users interact with Raspberry Pi-based robots. By providing seamless access and intuitive control, this app empowers users to remotely navigate and experience the world through the eyes of their chosen robot. With near real-time video streaming capabilities, it sets a new standard for immersive, interactive exploration.
Business Requirements
Online Platform for Robot Access
Provide a robust online platform for users to purchase access to Raspberry Pi-based robots for a specified timeframe.
Remote Control via Laptops/Mobile Devices
Enable users to remotely control the robots using their laptops or mobile devices.
Real-time Video Streaming
Provide real-time video streaming of the robot's movements directly to the user's chosen device.
Connectivity with Raspberry Pi via MQTT
Establish connectivity between a Raspberry Pi and the cloud using the MQTT protocol.
Backend Implementation (Golang on EC2)
Ensure high-performance server capabilities for seamless robot control and video streaming
Database Solution (Postgres)
Choose and implement a suitable database solution for storing relevant data.
API Gateway for Backend Access
Provide secure and accessible backend services via an API Gateway.
Content Delivery Network (CDN) Integration
Optimize live stream delivery to end users for an efficient viewing experience.
HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) Support
Implement HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) technology for optimal stream consumption on the client side.
Key Targets to Achieve
Platform Robustness and Reliability
User-friendly Interface
Real-time Video Streaming
Secure Communication
AWS IoT Core Integration
API Gateway Accessibility
MQTT Service Integration
HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) Implementation
Technical Architecture
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Project Execution
Project Initiation
Objective: Understand the vision and objectives of this app in creating a platform for remote control of Raspberry Pi-based robots.
Actions: Conduct an initial meeting with stakeholders to gather requirements, define project scope, and establish deliverables.
Create a project charter outlining goals, objectives, and key stakeholders.
System Architecture Design
Objective: Design the technical architecture and system flow for this platform.
Actions: Define the components, modules, and their interactions in the system.
Select appropriate technologies (AWS IoT Core, Golang, MQTT, Postgres, API Gateway, AWS Kinesis, CloudFront) based on requirements.
Backend Development
Objective: Implement the backend infrastructure for this platform.
Actions: Develop the backend using Golang for high-performance server capabilities.
Set up AWS IoT Core for connecting Raspberry Pi to the cloud using MQTT.
Utilize Postgres as the database solution for data storage.
API Gateway Configuration
Objective: Enable access to backend services through an API Gateway.
Actions: Set up and configure API Gateway to provide a standardized interface for interacting with this platform.
Integration of MQTT for Bidirectional Communication
Objective: Establish bidirectional communication between the server and Raspberry Pi for transmitting commands.
Actions: Implement MQTT service to facilitate real-time communication between backend and Raspberry Pi.
Live Streaming Implementation
Objective: Enable live streaming of robot movements from Raspberry Pi to user devices.
Actions: Integrate AWS Kinesis Video Stream with CloudFront CDN for efficient and seamless delivery of live stream.
Implement HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) technology on the client side for optimal stream consumption.
Testing and Quality Assurance
Objective: Ensure this platform functions as intended and is free from critical defects.
Actions: Conduct comprehensive testing, including unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing.
Address and resolve identified issues or bugs.
Deployment and Release
Objective: Prepare for the launch of this platform.
Actions: Deploy the application to a secure hosting environment, leveraging AWS services.
Monitor performance and address any deployment-related issues.
Performance Optimization
Objective: Fine-tune the system to achieve optimal performance and minimal latency.
Actions: Conduct performance testing and optimizations to achieve near real-time live streaming with minimal lag.
Documentation and Training
Objective: Provide documentation and training resources for users and administrators.
Actions: Develop user guides, API documentation, and system documentation for reference.
Conduct training sessions for users and administrators on how to effectively use of this platform.
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